ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 1月4日 20時42分

Photo and caption by @petekmuller. A group of giraffes move across the plains during an evening game drive in Kenya's Maasai Mara National Reserve. In my experience, giraffes are among the more skittish creatures on the savanna, often taking flight well ahead of human encroachment. While giraffes timidness is understandable, their hasty departures leave me disappointed as they are, undoubtedly, one of my favorite animals. Regal and seemingly genteel, giraffes possess and endearing combination of grace and humility that always leave me mesmerized. Follow @petekmuller for stories and observations from Kenya and beyond. wildlife #animals #giraffe #Kenya #safari #Africa #conservation #maasaimara


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