ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 12月6日 22時03分

Video by @christian_foto ( Christian Rodriguez )
We are living in a time where teenage pregnancy rates are still increasing in Latin America and violence against girls is a determining factor in this topic. We are the world's most unequal region. Teenage pregnancy not only keeps cycles of poverty but also widens the gender gap. Following my experience, we should not only focus on working with girls but also with boys. In many countries, boys are raised to be machos, this normalizes certain kinds of behaviors in our societies. For example, many boys are not taking responsibility for their actions when their girlfriend gets pregnant, one cause of this is the cultural belief that sees taking care of children as a women's and not as a man's role. A big percentage of these teenage mothers are single moms. Video:
I made this video at Pereira Rossell Hospital during labor and birth of teenage mothers in Montevideo, Uruguay.
The largest number of maternity cases, as well as the most complex of Uruguay are atended at the Women's Hospital "Dra. Paulina Luisi " in the Pereira Rossell Hospital Center. For more about Teen Mom project visit ?? @christian_foto #teenmom #latinamerica #birth #uruguay


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