ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 11月13日 14時25分

Photo @Hammond_Robin. South Sudanese 22 year old Anthony Tuesday has mental health problems that he says started when he had malaria as a child. He describes his current situation: “Am feeling well, am feeling well, very normal, no more sickness but before that, I was dizzy, I am getting headache, sometimes I used to take panadol, then if the other time I’m must be going to Juba teaching hospital to Dr. George then they will give me tablets by their own. When without feeling father or mother I can go to my uncle, and give me money, go to the hospital and take medication… Sometimes when am feeling headache too much, I can tell my father, “dad, am feeling headache” Then they will get medication to make me sleep.” #InMyWorld is designed to expose the challenges faced by people living with mental health issues and give them the chance to be seen, heard and valued. This first phase of the campaign was created in collaboration with @handicap_international as part of Witness Change's work on global mental health. @witness_change is a nonprofit that aims to end human rights violations for marginalized communities through visual storytelling. To see more from this campaign please follow @OneDayInMyWorld


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