ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 11月5日 06時12分

Photo and caption by @petekmuller. The Clearwater River winds through the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forest in the North American state of Idaho. The water moves swiftly over rocks yet remains gin-clear for a great many miles. I stop occasionally, collect my fly fishing rod and make a few casts along the banks. I never understood how disconnected I was from the rhythms of nature until I endeavored to catch fish with a fly. For over a year, I paid little mind to the basic disposition and desires of the fish I hoped to catch. I understood little about the entomology of the rivers in which I fitfully cast my line. I thought less about where fish might be or how I might entice them. I assumed that--by matter of miracle--a fish would simply take the fly. For longer than I care to admit, not a single one did. I could almost hear them laughing. As I explore issues related to humans and the natural world, fly fishing offers me perspective and humility. Follow @petekmuller on this unfolding journey for @ナショナルジオグラフィック. #idaho #clearwater #USA #nature #fishing #flyfishing #AmericanWest


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