ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 10月31日 05時21分

Video: @andy_mann // You can run but you can't hide. This is natural predation at its best. As the nutrient-rich waters flood into the mangroves at high tide, sardines leave the protection of the roots to feed...and Horse-eye Jacks know it. Once the jacks have masterfully corralled up and confused the baitfish, it's dinner time. Filming this sequence with @paulnicklen (seen here filming) & @Cristina Mittermeier took several hours as we located the bait-ball and patiently waited for the tide to turn. The jacks came in like clockwork and it ended up being one of our favorite moments of the trip. You don't need more than 2 feet of water, mask and a snorkel to experience one of Cuba's best dives. Sardines and mangroves are crucial anchors to the health and diversity of the Caribbean and a reminder that our shallow coastlines are often the most important link in the chain. // #TurningTheTide @sea_legacy // Music by: @paperstarsmusic // Please #followme @andy_mann to learn more about Cuba's wildest seascapes and experience the Caribbeans best diving.

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