ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 5月26日 09時40分

Photo by @amivitale for @ナショナルジオグラフィック. In a world where we focus only on the challenges and things that divide us, it's important also to talk about the solutions. Very excited to share an important and hopeful story in Northern Kenya. We can empower these people and their incredible mission by visiting and contributing to the sanctuary — the link is at end of the story. Follow Reteti Elephant Sanctuary (@r.e.s.c.u.e) and help the local Samburu community save what is left. What’s happening here at Reteti, without fanfare, is nothing less than the beginnings of a transformation in the way Samburus relate to wild animals they have long feared. This oasis where orphans grow up, learning to be wild so that one day they can rejoin their herds, is as much about the people as it is about elephants. https://tinyurl.com/kvopc69

Follow all of us, @r.e.s.c.u.e, nearby @sararacamp and @amivitale to support and learn more about these initiatives. Read more about Reteti in my @ナショナルジオグラフィック story: https://tinyurl.com/kvopc69
@nrt_kenya @lewa_wildlife @kenyawildlifeservice @tusk_org @San Diego Zoo @conservationorg @natgeocreative @thephotosociety @nature_africa #elephants #saveelephants #retetielephants #ecotourism #stoppoaching #kenya #northernkenya #magicalkenya #whyilovekenya #africa #everydayafrica #photojournalism #amivitale


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Angelina Boykoのインスタグラム
Angelina Boykoさんがフォロー

