ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 5月14日 00時41分

Video by @JimRichardsonNG Red deer stag on the hills above Loch Carron in Scotland. It was both a little daunting and (certainly) exciting to be this close to the stags and towards the end of the video you can see the that stag is a little wary of me, too. Wild deer in Scotland are often not so very wild, and these weren’t hardly wild at all, part of the herd at Reraig Forest Estate that are managed — and fed — by gamekeeper Colin Murdoch. Colin takes parties (like me) out to meet the deer up close, part of the estates tourist offerings. Deer populations are extremely controversial in Scotland just now, the debate revolving around their effect on regrowth of the ancient Caledonian forests. In simple terms: more deer means fewer trees. @natgeocreative #scotland #deer


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