キーンのインスタグラム(keen) - 5月5日 07時00分

"I was a college sophomore on spring break when I first experienced the American Southwest. My friend and I had never been before and didn't really know what was out in the massive open-ness of the desert, so we picked the two national parks in the area (Canyonlands and Arches) and made a trip of it. Since then, I've discovered so much more about this wonderful place; climbing to the tops of sandstone towers, canyoneering into deep caverns, and rafting whitewater beneath huge canyon walls... And though I love this place more and more with every unique corner of it I discover, I can't help but appreciate that first time seeing the desert. That first time having my mind blown by a place I couldn't believe actually existed... That's an experience I wish I could have back. So if you haven't been, go. There is nothing like experiencing something for the first time." @roundtheworldgirl


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