ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 5月3日 00時01分

Video by @Joel Sartore | An oriental pied hornbill at the Assam State Zoo in Guwahati, Assam, India.
This bird can be found in India and Southeast Asia and is considered the most abundant of all Asian hornbills. They mainly feed on fruit but will also snack on large insects, small reptiles and amphibians. These birds are generally monogamous and are secondary cavity nesters, which means they rely on nests built by other birds raise their chicks. Once the female has chosen her nest, she closes it off with a mixture of saliva, mud, fruit, droppings and bark, leaving a small hole just large enough for food to be passed in. The male forages for food and returns to feed the female and nestlings for several months before the chicks are ready to leave the nest. At that time l, the male and female begin to chisel out the opening for all to fly away, mission accomplished.
To see a portrait of this bird, check out @Joel Sartore!
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