ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 4月22日 04時57分

Photo by @michaelchristopherbrown.
Kahambo Kilonge Denise narrowly escaped an ambush by the ADF rebel group near the village of Eringeti, located north of Beni in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Denise was relocated to a village nearby, where she stands here outside her hut. One of over 69 rebel groups in North Kivu, the ADF, or Allied Democratic Forces, was formed in Western Uganda and was initially thought by some to be a solely Islamic militia. It is now likely composed of several different groups, including local populations, who terrorize in the North Kivu and Ituri territories mostly to the north of Beni. Mass executions and beheadings have become more common, including among women and children. While working in this region we were forced to stay near the main road though attacks were unpredictable, both in villages and offroad, at all times.


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