ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 3月25日 21時37分

Photo by @BrianSkerry. ‘Shark Lagoon’ - Blacktop Reef Sharks, Blue Travallies and Twinspot Snappers swirl within the pristene lagoon at Millennium Atoll, in the Southern Line Islands.
Because of their remoteness, these islands and the waters surrounding them remain largely unspoiled, and diving the reefs here is like traveling back in time.

Researchers studying coral ecosystems have discovered that a pristine reef has a biomass that is comprised largely of predators, including sharks, snapper and groupers. Sadly, many reef systems around the world today do not have these animals, as they have been fished to dangerously low levels. Every animal plays a vital role in the health of an ecosystem and when individual species are removed, the entire environment breaks down. A healthy ocean is needed for a vibrant planet.

To see more underwater photography, and to learn more about oceanic conservation efforts, follow me on Instagram, @BrianSkerry.

@thephotosociety @natgeocreatve @pristineseas

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