ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 3月6日 01時33分

photo by @jenniferhayesig A harp seal pup seeks shelter from the wind as it waits for its mother to return to its ice nursery in Canada's Gulf of St Lawrence near Prince Edward Island. This image was taken during a moderate winter when limited sea ice had formed. This year, like many others is not normal, it is record setting warm. THIS WEEK thousands of pregnant female harp seals are struggling to find ice strong and suitable enough to birth their pups. There is very little ice in the gulf this season and what has formed is thin and too weak to sustain wind and waves. Pups born on bad ice drown when storms demolish their nursery. This lack of ice in the Gulf is becoming a turning point for this species as they struggle to reproduce in these waters. We are on standby to journey the harp seals and to document their struggle for ice, watch @ナショナルジオグラフィック for developing information. Image with @natgeocreative @thephotosociety #ocean #baby #climatechange #extreme #beauty #canada #harpseal. HEY #BUFFALO join us March 14 at Kleinhans Music Hall for National Geographic Live Coral Kingdoms and Empires of Ice, an evening of seamounts , sharks and life in the ice with harp seals. For #moreocean @daviddoubilet and @jenniferhayesig


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