ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 1月3日 02時18分

Photo by @FransLanting “Ivory is for Elephants” It’s a new year for elephants—The announcement by the Chinese government that it will ban elephant ivory sales by the end of 2017 is a momentous step forward to stem the poaching of elephants everywhere. We salute the many individuals and organizations worldwide who banded together with their counterparts in China to make this happen. In celebration, I share this image which I made one evening during Botswana’s dry season. I waded into a water hole to capture the shimmering reflection of a gathering of bull elephants at twilight, with a full moon suspended in a luminous pink sky. Follow me @FransLanting to learn more about elephants and who you can support to help their cause.
@National Geographic Travel @natgeocreative @thephotosociety #Elephants #IvoryBan #WildAid #Wild_Net #SaveTheElephants #WorldWildlifeFund


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