ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 11月17日 19時50分

Image by @beverlyjoubert. A lone lioness is reflected in a drying pool in the Selinda Reserve in Botswana. There's been drought across Southern Africa for the last couple of years and the summer heat is rapidly evaporating the remaining pools. Drought is not necessarily a bad thing for predators as other species congregate around remaining water and can make easier targets. However with only 20 000 lions remaining across Africa, it's worth reflecting on their perilous situation. In the 10 years we've had this concession, we've seen how lion numbers do improve when they are afforded protection. From only 2 lionesses, this pride is up to 14 and there are a number of other prides as well. It's good to know that it is not too late for lions and that we can improve their numbers with decent conservation measures. #causeanuproar #bigcats #lion #botswana #conservation

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