ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 11月9日 03時11分

Photo by @edkashi/@viiphoto: Steam erupts from bagasse-fired boilers at the sugar and ethanol plant, USINA, in São Manoel, Brazil on Sept. 25, 2011. As a result of climate change policies, major oil and gas companies are facing future loss of demand for their products. Driven by the need to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, the search for innovative strategies and alternative energy sources has gained momentum. Brazil, host to the largest sugar and ethanol producers in the world, supports hi-tech production areas clustered in the Sao Paolo region. From here sugar is sold to the international market or processed into ethanol; a biofuel made from Brazilian sugarcane that produces significantly less CO2 than regular gas. The processing of the ethanol is done using a renewable, convenient and cost effective fuel source; bagasse, the matted cellulose fiber by-product of sugarcane processed in the mills. With the cost of traditional fuels increasing, bagasse, previously burned as a means of solid waste disposal, is no longer considered refuse but rather fuel. Although the world will need oil and gas for many years still to come, change is on the horizon. #climatechange #globalwarming #drought @everydayclimatechange #Brazil #actionclimate


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