オープニングセレモニーのインスタグラム(openingceremony) - 11月8日 13時29分

"It’s easy for people to forget, that except for Native Americans, we are all immigrants to this country. I never thought I was an immigrant until I was old enough to hear about the struggles my parents went through to get us here, in pursuit of the "American Dream". After living here for 41 years, the ideology and possibility of this dream has changed a lot. Not everyone I know has this same opportunity my parents did. Millions of people each day face hurdles before they’re even born—that doesn't feel like the America I know and love. But the beauty is we can change that, each American is given the right to vote, making it our duty as citizens in this country. If you don't vote, you might as well decide to have someone else speak for you, someone else decide which American Dream we get to live.” — OC co-founder @humbertotoo ?? #OCForVoting ?? (From staff to designers to @SarahEMcBride we share everything our family had to say on the 2016 Presidential election in our bio link)


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




ASOS Studioのインスタグラム
ASOS Studioさんがフォロー
