オープニングセレモニーのインスタグラム(openingceremony) - 11月8日 03時56分

"My nana told me the story about how her mother passed away from cancer, this was when she was just 10 years old. She was the oldest of seven sisters. The year was 1951, nana was living in Oahu at the time, working for the Dole Pineapple Plantation. She would work twelve hour shifts in order to help her father and her sisters make ends meet. Strong work ethic was something that was instilled in her at a young age because of the absence of her mother. Nana went on to do what she always dreamed of and became a very successful English professor in her adult life. She supported three children of her own, and later on, myself. Being an American allowed her to have the opportunity she needed to support her sisters when no one else could. She has always been the epitome of what it meant to be an American woman.I am forever grateful for the lessons & opportunities I have been taught and given" — OCLA STAFFER @brittrose ?? #OCForVoting


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