ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 10月13日 05時30分

Photo and caption by @petekmuller. Londoners walk past a massive version of Caravaggio's The Taking of Christ, used as an advertisement for Beyond Caravaggio, an exhibit that opened today at the National Gallery. Never before have I felt so compelled to view a collection of art. I traveled here from my base in Nairobi simply to view the exhibit on its opening day. The show not only honors the extraordinary #Italian master, whose signature chiaroscuro styling has been of great influence in my photography, but traces the scope of his influence both before and after his death. Included are awe inspiring works by Bartolomeo Manfredi, Giovanni Francesco Guerrieri, Artemisia Gentileschi and many others. Knowing just how long people have been grappling with aesthetics, narrative and the drama of the human experience is inspiring and humbling at once. The show will remain on view until January, 2017. If you find yourself in London, I cannot think of a more rewarding way to spend a day. #art #beyondcaravaggio #painting #caravaggio #london @national_gallery


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