大英博物館のインスタグラム(britishmuseum) - 7月13日 03時54分

Under the Norman King Roger II, Sicily was characterised by an unusual, but fragile, religious tolerance. Jews, Muslims, Orthodox Greek Byzantines, Christian Normans and Italians lived together in one multi-ethnic kingdom. Roger welcomed scholars of all races and faiths to his court and a new art and architecture emerged from the mixture of influences. At the heart of his palace in Palermo, the Palatine Chapel (Cappella Palatina) was one of Roger’s greatest architectural achievements. Byzantine mosaic artists adapted their skills for western church architecture. Southern Italian artisans made the inlaid marble floor. The impressive ceiling was created by Fatimid woodworkers and painters from North Africa.

Learn more about Norman Sicily and its unique art and architecture in our #SicilyExhibition, until 14 August 2016.

Palatine Chapel, Palermo, Sicily. © Prefettura di Palermo, Servizi Comuni Siciliani.

#Sicily #Capella #Norman #mosaic


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