ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 7月3日 05時45分

Photograph by @paulnicklen // Hungry wolf pups howl for their mother along the outer islands of British Columbia We spent a lot of time with these wolves while on assignment for @ナショナルジオグラフィック and they fed my soul, heart and lens whenever we could find them. Recently they have come into conflict with humans. Kayakers, campers, hikers, and people in general have thrown bits of food to these wolves through time. As a result, they have become somewhat habituated. Now they have pups and there is incredible urgency to get as much food as possible to keep their family alive. As in the past when there is conflict between humans and wolves, the wolves always lose by paying with their lives. Most of this pack was shot by BC Parks several years ago and only three adult wolves remain. These wolves are being slated to be shot if conflict continues. Please #followme on @paulnicklen and @sea_legacy to lend your voice and signature to the issue. Do you think these wolves should be shot or should the beach be closed to campers while the wolves are raising their pups? For me, the answer is easy, close the beaches on this small island a few months a year so that the wolves are free to roam in a territory that has been rightfully theirs long before humans came on the scene. With @Cristina Mittermeier. #wolf #wild #willdlife #picoftheday #photooftheday #naturelovers #petition


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