ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 4月21日 18時18分

Photo by @paleyphoto (Matthieu Paley). In celebration of earth day on April 22, here is a slice of #mountain heaven.
Throughout its history, the high Pamirs have been a place of dreams and speculations. Buddhist teachings locate paradise in the far west of China; a Japanese encyclopedia places it's "Garden of Wisdom" on the Pamir plateau between the highest peaks of the greater Himalayan ranges. For the last 15 years, this remote mountains have been pulling me back again and again...
For more mountain images follow @paleyphoto.
Want to have your #EarthDay photo published on NatGeo.com? Add #NatgeoEarthDay to your images, then check NatGeo.com on Earth Day, April 22nd. @natgeocreative @thephotosociety #Pamir #Afghanistan #stars #mountainheaven


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