宮野真守のインスタグラム(miyanomamoru_paradise) - 3月26日 23時02分

(2/3) マモ最高ーー!この歌が大好きです ?? なんかめっちゃかっこいいじゃないですか?? Every time I hear this song, I remember the music video and the photoshoot for the single.. ah.. I guess I really do love his 「BREAK IT!」 era the most.. hehe. ? Have you seen the music video before? I find Mamo-chan the most handsome with that kind of style.. ? And the song itself! Anyone a big fan of it? Because I like to play it in the shower.. hahaha. It's such a good song to dance to. I really love it! ? // PS: This was Mamo-chan's 「BREAK IT!」 performance during 「MAMORU MIYANO LIVE TOUR 2015-16 ~GENERATING!~」 ? #宮野真守 #miyanomamoru #mamorumiyano #マモ #mamo #マモちゃん #mamochan #声優 #seiyuu #アニメ #anime


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