宮野真守のインスタグラム(miyanomamoru_paradise) - 3月26日 02時51分

(3/3) 次のパフォーマンスはどっちがいいかな〜?楽しみにーー!?? The more I watch Mamo-chan in this outfit, the more I fall in love with it.. I can just feel it sneaking its way into my top favourites list as we speak. ? I think that red always looks so good on him, you know? Well he's not even in full red but the red accent on his hat and inner robe.. I absolutely adore it! ? White is my ultimate weakness but red.. red is something else too.. hehe. Anyway only three more performances to go! ? Sorry to keep your requests waiting.. I'll do everything once I'm done with the three performances, I promise! ?? // PS: This was Mamo-chan's 「HOW CLOSE YOU ARE」 performance during 「Mamoru Miyano Live Tour 2015-16 ~Generating!~」 ? #宮野真守 #miyanomamoru #mamorumiyano #マモ #mamo #マモちゃん #mamochan #声優 #seiyuu #アニメ #anime


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