ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 1月20日 09時10分

Photo by @randyolson | @thephotosociety When I was working on a story about China's middle class for @ナショナルジオグラフィック we predicted there would be 200 million Chinese with the same lifestyle as the USA by 2015… I was listening to NPR the other day and the number of Chinese with a middle class lifestyle is 500 million. This is Huaxi Village (Farmers Village). This co op has been a model farm for 55 years. They were capitalists before it was fashionable in China. They started factories, but worked in them with no windows. And when the government officials came around, they sent all the workers out to the fields and they pretended to be peasants. They became the first and most successful capitalist exploitation of the collective. This model farm is the most successful transition from farmer to socialist/capitalist world. The model farm runs about 80 factories. #china #Huaxi Village #wealth #stockmarket #housing #mcmansion #npr #asia


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