ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 12月31日 08時02分

Photo @Keith Ladzinski / With less then 5 hours of daylight each day here at the edge of the 66 degree latitude mark of southern #iceland, that time here feels quite precious. The stormy days seem to make the time move by even more quickly and the beauty even that more fleeting. Today I walked out to the #skaftafellsjkull glacier at dusk with @danahrichardson, all was quite and calm, the only sound to be heard was the cracking of ice and pressure as the temperature fluctuated. This large formation of dark ice covered in black sand stood out prominently amongst the sapphire blue glacier and surrounded by mineral rich water. There are touches of color and contrast everywhere in this beautiful country.


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Elsie Hewittのインスタグラム
Elsie Hewittさんがフォロー

