ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 12月23日 19時18分

With @daviddoubilet The World of Ice. The Antarctic Peninsula is a challenging and special place to work. Everywhere I look there is breath taking beauty......the white canvas and sculptured ice seeps into your soul. As i swam through this field of heavy brash ice it reminded me of swimming in a glass of scotch on the rocks. This polar wilderness belongs to no country and is governed by an Antarctic Treaty System that prohibits military activities, mineral mining, nuclear testing & disposal and supports scientific research. Working here makes me appreciate @ナショナルジオグラフィック colleague Paul Nicklin's lifelong passion for ice. I look forward to returning to #Antarctica in February. Photo by colleague Steve Jones. With @ナショナルジオグラフィック @thephotosociety #polar #ocean #life #extreme #adventure #ice #respect #gratitude #christmas for #moreocean follow @jenniferhayesig and @daviddoubilet


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Elsie Hewittのインスタグラム
Elsie Hewittさんがフォロー

