LOOKBOOKのインスタグラム(lookbook) - 12月3日 12時01分

MAV ON THE POWER IN NUMBERS || I decided to move from my hometown in Upstate New York to California when I was 18 to attend college. I jumped at the opportunity to create a life that complimented my creative spirit and encouraged my desire to collaborate. Eventually I found myself growing close with other artists who equally desired the same things as myself. They were all from different walks of life and they each had their own flair, style and aesthetic. I found it most rewarding when we would collaborate because it allowed us to see how our styles would blend to create something new and fresh in approach. In Los Angeles I found what I was searching for, a sense of community. At its very core there’s an open-minded enthusiasm and DIY spirit where people understand two heads are better than one. || #TheMaverickMuse #Community #PowerInNumbers #Collaboration #LA #Fashion #Style #Creative


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