ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 11月15日 22時05分

Photo @Keith Ladzinski / The gnar-wall tower, deep in the southern fjords of #greenland. Photographed during a climbing expedition, these remote fjords are some of the most beautiful and untouched places I have ever visited. It's a place that is changing drastically. With glacier and sea ice melting rapidly the ocean is absorbing more energy from the sun resulting in warmer air which in effect is creating faster thaw in permafrost. Permafrost melt creates a high release of methane in both the air and in water. This cycle increases weather patterns trapping in warmer temperatures, perpetuating and increasing the melt. As we see more permafrost exposed the result is quite beautiful and lush, but a finite scenario. As ice melts tundra fields will slowly dry out leaving behind a barren desert, effecting the wildlife and marine life as a result. This beauty we see here is fleeting, and if forecasts are true much will be gone in the next 50 years. This beauty is seen at a high price leaving big question marks as to what the future may hold.


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