【無印良品からのメッセージ】地球の色。 もし人間がいなかったら、地球はどうなっているのでしょうか。その見事な事例が、圧倒的な自然景観として広がっている場所があります。1万3千余の島々からなるインドネシア。その東方「ラジャ・アンパット諸島」は、コンドルのようなかたちをしたニューギニア島のくちばしの先、太平洋とインド洋が混じりあう海域で、海洋生物の多様性が世界一と言われている場所です。海中から群生キノコのように突起した島々も絶景ですが、島の周囲の浅い海に潜ると、思わず息を飲む珊瑚礁の光景が広がっています。写真は、海、陸、空をひとつながりの地球の情景として捉えたものです。まるで太古の時代、人類が生まれる前のような景色。根源的な環境は生命のせめぎあいから生み出されていることが直感できる場所です。無印良品はこの風景を写真にすることを試みました。お手本は常に自然界だからです。無印良品の色は必ずしもベージュやグレーではありません。天然素材を見つめ続け、せめぎあう生命がおりなす地球の色でありたいと考えています。 【Message from MUJI】Colors of Earth What would Earth be like without humans? There is a place where we can see a splendid example of this, where vast and overwhelming natural scenery unfolds: Indonesia comprised of over 13,000 islands. In the Raja Ampat Islands, at the tip of the “beak” of the condor-shaped island of New Guinea, where the waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans commingle, there is a place that is said to have the most biodiverse marine ecosystem in the world. The islands here protrude from the sea like clusters of mushrooms and do offer excellent scenery, but if you dive into the shallow sea surrounding them, spectacular and breathtaking coral reefs stretch before you. These photos capture scenes of Earth in which the sea, land, and sky appear fused into a single entity. Indeed, it’s like scenery from ancient times, before humans existed. One can intuit that this primordial environment was brought forth by the struggle for life. MUJI has tried to capture this tableau in photographs. Remember, we always take the natural world as our role model. MUJI’s colors are not necessarily always beige and grey. Continually gazing at natural materials, we would like to seize and reproduce the colors of Earth woven through the struggle for survival. #muji #無印良品

muji_globalさん(@muji_global)が投稿した動画 -

無印良品のインスタグラム(muji_global) - 11月10日 18時06分

【Message from MUJI】Colors of Earth
What would Earth be like without humans? There is a place where we can see a splendid example of this, where vast and overwhelming natural scenery unfolds: Indonesia comprised of over 13,000 islands. In the Raja Ampat Islands, at the tip of the “beak” of the condor-shaped island of New Guinea, where the waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans commingle, there is a place that is said to have the most biodiverse marine ecosystem in the world. The islands here protrude from the sea like clusters of mushrooms and do offer excellent scenery, but if you dive into the shallow sea surrounding them, spectacular and breathtaking coral reefs stretch before you. These photos capture scenes of Earth in which the sea, land, and sky appear fused into a single entity. Indeed, it’s like scenery from ancient times, before humans existed. One can intuit that this primordial environment was brought forth by the struggle for life. MUJI has tried to capture this tableau in photographs. Remember, we always take the natural world as our role model. MUJI’s colors are not necessarily always beige and grey. Continually gazing at natural materials, we would like to seize and reproduce the colors of Earth woven through the struggle for survival.
#muji #無印良品


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