ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 9月24日 01時10分

Photo taken by @スティーブ・マカリー // The Omo River Valley is located in Southwest Ethiopia.
It has been called “the last frontier” in Africa. There are nine main tribes that occupy the Omo River Valley, with a population of approximately 225,000 tribal peoples. The majority of the people living in the Omo River Valley live without clean drinking water and without medical care.
It has been a privilege to go back to the Omo Valley in Ethiopia over the past four years with my friend, John Rowe, to photograph the work he is doing with Lale Labuko.

Lale, a 2013 National Geographic Emerging Explorer, learned about the practice of Mingi and made it his life’s mission to end ritual infanticide in his tribe’s culture. @omochild



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