ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 9月19日 18時10分

Photo by @mattiasklumofficial
A female white-tailed sea eagle a.k.a. "The flying barn door", the fourth largest eagle in the world, displays its powerful broad wings amid some hooded crows near Vånö in the Stockholm archipelago, Sweden. With a wingspan of six to eight feet, (180 - 240 cm) a female may weigh more than11 pounds (five kilos). During the 20th century, the number of white-tailed eagles in Europe dropped dramatically, due to pollution and hunting. Intense conservation actions since the 1980’s have helped European populations of white-tailed eagles made a steady recovery from near extinction, but the numbers are once again unfortunately declining due to the use of
brominated flame retardants that now increasingly can be found in white-tailed eagle nestlings. Follow me on @mattiasklumofficial to see the view from one of my eagle blinds and learn how you can help the eagles! #seaeagles
#mattiasklum #saveourseas #conservation #balticsea2020 @natgeocreative @ナショナルジオグラフィック @thephotosociety


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