ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 8月21日 19時48分

Photo by @chien_chi_chang / @Magnum Photos Myanmar has been making many positives changes in the last four years. But I still remember vividly that in the summer of 2010, when I was flying out of Yangon International Airport, the officials manning the X-ray machine discovered that I had about five thousand US dollars, all in sequential numbers. One official just snatched a hundred dollar bill from the wallet without asking or blinking. I took it right back and reluctantly gave him a fifty dollar bill. He tossed the fifty right back and grabbed another one hundred-dollar bill, right in front of his giggling colleagues and all the murmuring passengers in line behind me. In the end, he got a brand-new hundred-dollar bill, and I got out in one piece. I wrote down the whole scenario and was reimbursed by the magazine I was working for. #jetlag #Burma #cccontheroad #hatjecantz


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