ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 7月17日 05時56分

Photo by @stephenwilkes: A sense of history inside one of the main corridors of the Pathet Lao hospital cave, located in Vieng Xi, Laos.
I was one of the first Westerners to be allowed to step inside and photograph the hospital, which made up only a small part of these caves. The caves served as the headquarters and bomb shelter to the communist revolutionaries, known as the Pathet Lao, during the “Secret War”. This war was waged by the US against the communists in Laos during the Vietnam War.
Follow along as I share the incredible story of the Secret War, and how the Lao people have found a way to co-exist with it’s ghost. And of course, keep an eye out for the August Issue of National Geographic Magazine, which will feature a story on Laos.
#Laos #Photography #Decay #Abandoned


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