ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 6月29日 00時30分

Photo by @petekmuller/@prime_collective for @ナショナルジオグラフィック. People attend Sunday church service in #Freetown, #SierraLeone. This image was made in December, at the peak of the #Ebola crisis in the country. At the time, church and mosque services were among the few exceptions to a general ban on large public gatherings aimed at reducing transmission risk. Much of the sermon dealt with the crisis and prayers were said for those affected by the virus. During the heavy days of the outbreak, every aspect of life was affected. People did not touch one another, schools were suspended and fear was palpable. The outbreak will live in the collective memory of Sierra Leoneans for decades to come. Check out our story on the hunt for the reservoir host of the Ebola virus in the July issue of National Geographic Magazine. #Religion #church #WestAfrica #Africa


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