ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 6月25日 04時56分

Photo by @petekmuller/@prime_collective for @ナショナルジオグラフィック. Residents of #Meliandou, #Guinea relax in the evening hours. Meliandou is a small village, located deep in Guinea's forest region, where the first cases of the West African #Ebola outbreak emerged. Meliandou is near the borders of Sierra Leone and #Liberia and therefore the virus quickly crossed into both of those countries. Approximately 600 people lived in Meliandou when Ebola appeared in December 2013. After dozens died, hundreds fled, leaving the village with approximately 400 remaining residents. Although Meliandou has been Ebola free for more than a year, the social consequences persist. Owing to fear and lack of understanding of the nature of the virus, many farmers did not venture to their fields to plant last season. This has resulted in food insecurity in a village that rarely experienced it in the past. Check out our story on the origins of the Ebola virus on the July issue of National Geographic Magazine. #Africa

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