ネッタポルテのインスタグラム(netaporter) - 4月30日 18時46分

This week, #THEEDIT magazine brings you fashion to ignite your Pioneer Spirit. Wearing Victoriana-inspired gowns and lace-up boots, model @ロージー・ハンティントン=ホワイトリー rides across the plains in our exclusive cover shoot, and talks about her exciting new chapter. Plus, meet the social-savvy women who are revolutionizing the beauty world, follower by follower. Dress by @アルベルタフェレッティ, photograph by @davidbellemere. #SeeitLoveitBuyit on #THEEDIT’s all-new free app. Download it now on the App Store by searching 'The EDIT by NET-A-PORTER'


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Angelina Boykoのインスタグラム
Angelina Boykoさんがフォロー
