パブリックスクールのインスタグラム(publicschoolnyc) - 4月13日 13時03分

We launched Public School back in 2008. In 2 years time we were in every store we ever dreamed of. We were a new voice with a clear lane and a distinct point of view. But by the time 2010 ended we found ourselves stopping production and almost shutting the doors. The marketplace had took a turn towards heritage and Americana and stores that once coveted our brand were now "moving in another direction." It was a difficult time and we didn't know if we would ever release another collection. Fast forward to 2012 and our relaunch. We moved production to New York City, started showing during Fashion Week and introduced some new key categories. But through it all we never changed our aesthetic and we never wavered from our original vision. We lived, and subsequently almost died by our beliefs and the one mantra that sparked our movement; to never follow and always lead. Now in 2015, more than ever, we need leaders.

MONDAY | 4.13.15 | 5 - 7pm
513 W 20th Street NYC.
100 Hats.

#WNL #weneedleaders #whennooneslooking #weneverleave #winnersneverlose

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