国立アメリカ歴史博物館のインスタグラム(amhistorymuseum) - 3月21日 10時44分

Today in 1904: Psychologist B. F. Skinner is born. This is his pigeon-guided missile system (yes, really).
Here's the story: During World War II, the US military needed to find accurate ways to guide missiles to their targets. University of Minnesota psychologist B. F. Skinner suggested that a missile nose cone be supplied with three compartments, each with a window.
A pigeon would be placed in each section, and trained to peck on the window when the target appeared.
If all three pigeons pecked, the weapon would be released.
This prototype was never developed, but influenced later work on animal training.
Note: not currently on display. ??? #history #weird #BirdsOfWar

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