Today marks 4 years since the 9.0 earthquake, Tsunami and triple-core meltdown of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. March 11th 2011~2015 (March 10th in the U.S.) During todays shoot producers, directors and all staff took a moment to stop the entire production so they could pay respect and send prayers to Japan, for all those who died and all who are still in temporary housing and evacuation camps. Love for Japan, from Hollywood. People remember the images of silent long lines of survivors waiting for food and shelter after nearly every town along the entire eastern seaboard was decimated. As Japanese, we are strong. We remember, we grieve and we keep moving forward. 3.11東日本大震災から今日で4年が経ちました。今日はアメリカでの撮影の最中でにもかかわらず、監督、プロデューサーはじめ、スタッフ全員が手を止めて日本のために黙祷をしてくれました。日本から離れていても、国が違っても、日本を思う気持ちは変わりません。あの当時、めちゃくちゃな状況の中で日本人の行動やマナーが世界中から賞賛されたことを彼らは今でも覚えていました。あの時の東北の方々の行動が世界がみる日本の印象に繋がり、一人の日本人としてとても誇らしく思います。世界中に衝撃を与えたあの日のことは絶対に風化してはいけない…。震災で亡くなられた方の御冥福をお祈り申し上げます。 #3.11 #tsunami #fukushima #pray #hollywood #Japan #忘れない #あの日 #東日本大震災 @lyndseyterese_hair

ikumiyoshimatsuさん(@ikumiyoshimatsu)が投稿した動画 -

吉松育美のインスタグラム(ikumiyoshimatsu) - 3月11日 10時55分

Today marks 4 years since the 9.0 earthquake, Tsunami and triple-core meltdown of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. March 11th 2011~2015 (March 10th in the U.S.)
During todays shoot producers, directors and all staff took a moment to stop the entire production so they could pay respect and send prayers to Japan, for all those who died and all who are still in temporary housing and evacuation camps. Love for Japan, from Hollywood.
People remember the images of silent long lines of survivors waiting for food and shelter after nearly every town along the entire eastern seaboard was decimated.
As Japanese, we are strong. We remember, we grieve and we keep moving forward.
#3.11 #tsunami #fukushima #pray #hollywood #Japan #忘れない #あの日 #東日本大震災 @lyndseyterese_hair


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