パワーハウスミュージアムのインスタグラム(powerhousemuseum) - 2月16日 12時58分

The East Dome at the Sydney Observatory is now open! It features a lift that will take you right up into the dome and to the new state of the art telescope, providing access to those with limited mobility. It also houses an exhibition about our participation in the Astrographic catalogue projects to photograph and chart the celestial globe. This is Ms. Winsome Bellamy - she worked at Sydney Observatory from 1948 to 1968 cataloging 430,000 stars, TWICE! Here she is using a Hilger measuring machine c.1960 (Photo courtesy of Winsome Bellamy) #Sydney #Astronomy #Stars #Space #Telescope #Dome #SolarSystem #AstrographicCatalogue #SydneyObservatory

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