Li Tian の雑貨屋のインスタグラム(dairyandcream) - 2月7日 23時39分

Picking up the whisk and spatula again thanks to the monthly #creativesghomecooks challenge. Here's my answer to the RED theme of the month. Honey Tomato Roll Cake with Tomato Cream and Vanilla Chantily?Adapted from the basic roll cake recipe by Hironobu Tsujiguchi 辻口博啓. Wanted to do a cream cheese filling but realized it's not necessary as the ? cream tastes like cheese! An experimental sweet that I love it a lot myself?[Disclaimer: No ? was physically abused in the process and no artificial colouring added]

The #creativesghomecooks is an initiative to encourage Singaporeans to cook more at home. Simply create a dish (be it savoury or sweet) based on the theme each month (Red for February) and hashtag #creativesghomecooks .Nominate any people u like to carry out the challenge using the IG user tag. There is NO penalty, NO restrictions on the number of dishes and u can still post even if the deadline is over!
So for this month, I'm passing the baton to @cuisineparadise @makeyourcaloriescount @therantingpanda @myfoodsirens @matcharoses Don't say I sabo?? For more info, visit @thesilverchef blog and google "creativesghomecooks" #dairycreamkitchen


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