目黒ケイのインスタグラム(keimeguro) - 1月29日 13時52分

Everyone has a workspace. Mine involves ScarJo staring at me, its scary. I never really figured out a way to deal with this babe, she obviously needs a better home. SO, I'm giving this #SCARJO print away! Limited 1/1, signed by your's truly with the lucky winner's name.
Enter this #GIVEAWAY by entering:
1. Regram this photo and hashtag #keimegurogiveaway
2. Tell me what inspires you?
Thats all! I'll pick a winner on February 1st.
This is open for everyone around the world (anywhere I'm allowed to ship from the US?)
The lucky person will be announced on the 2nd! (Keep in mind that if your profile is private I won't be able to check it out). Thank you and good luck xo Kei❤️


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