濱田英明のインスタグラム(hamadahideaki) - 1月6日 05時24分

Photographs are captured in the present, but the moment after they’re taken they become the past, and upon viewing it’s always the future. Photography is a very rare medium that allows you to travel from past to present to future like this, and although they recognised by sight, they also stimulate the other senses, like texture, temperature, smell or sound. When I take photographs, what I care about the most is the present location from a future perspective. In this way, the photographs I take now are messages from the future to the present. And now is always the future from the past. I would like to keep taking photos that allow everyone that sees them to travel through time.
#pentax67 #haruandmina


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Instagram Japanのインスタグラム
Instagram Japanさんがフォロー
