カラーのインスタグラム(rollandberry) - 12月18日 15時30分

This is what happens in life !!! The night before you are leaving out of town your high school buddy pops up and says "hey making a custom go-cart for my 4yr old for Christmas can you throw a paint job on it for me.... MY ANSWER !!"HELL YEAH!!!" In my opinion my friend is one of the best humans and dads I know!! Was super hyped to rock this out last minute style !!! When the cart is finished I post a pic!!!! Life is good I am blessed to be a part of making something that will change a kids Christmas !!!!!!!!!!!!!⛄️???⛄️???⛄️????????⛄️??⛄️?NOW BACK TO GIVING AWAY ART!!!!!! SORRY I'LL SPORT IT OUT IN THE AM PACKING FOR MY FLIGHT !!


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