大英博物館のインスタグラム(britishmuseum) - 11月13日 16時15分

Room 33a, India: Amaravati (the Asahi Shimbun Gallery) is the next #MuseumOfTheFuture gallery space. Buddhism originated in what is now northern India and Nepal and spread to other parts of the subcontinent in the 3rd century BC. The Andhra region – located along the south-east coast – welcomed Buddhism and a stūpa (a commemorative monument usually housing sacred relics associated with the Buddha or other saintly persons), was constructed at Amarāvatī. It was probably built to house a relic of the Buddha from the north.
Between the 2nd century BC and 3rd century AD, ornate slabs carved with detailed models of the stūpa were added to its exterior and it was surrounded by a limestone railing. This was carved with lotus roundels, scenes of worship and depictions of events in the life of the Buddha.
Many of these carvings are on display in Room 33a.


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