マーモットのインスタグラム(marmot) - 8月10日 02時40分

Meet Marmot Athlete Darcy Conover, skier, runner, mountaineer, model and all-around athlete whose love of these sports take her all over the world. Follow @darcenator on Instagram to keep up with the adventures!

Although Darcy was born and raised in New York she learned at a young age that she only felt truly at home in the mountains. Since the age of four she spent weekends skiing in Vermont with her family and after graduating from Middlebury College, she headed west. Ending up in Boulder, CO, Darcy worked as Film Tour Marketing Manager at Warren Miller Entertainment. However, after two and a half years of staring at the mountains through her office window and discussing others’ skiing and mountaineering adventures everyday, she made the move to Aspen to play in the mountains everyday.

Remember: follow @darcenator on Instagram to see where these adventures take her! #whatgivesyoulife Photo: @andy_mann


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