Instagramのインスタグラム(instagram) - 8月1日 03時25分

At the forefront of ongoing Hurricane Sandy recovery efforts near some of the best beaches in New York City, the art festival Rockaway! (#rockaway1) is underway until September 1. Curated by Klaus Biesenbach (@klausbiesenbach), the show features works by artists including Patti Smith and Janet Cardiff installed in settings as various as a former automotive warehouse, a military chapel and even the beach itself. "One minute you're digging your toes in the sand," Instagrammer Oscar Diaz (@oscmdiaz) says of the show. "The next thing you know, you're reading Walt Whitman's poetry engraved on large granite stones." For more photos and videos of Rockaway!, browse the #rockaway1 hashtag.
Photo by @klausbiesenbach


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