ロストのインスタグラム(lost9193) - 6月7日 02時38分

Chris Ward at OTW in Hawaii but today he'll actually be @bcsurfandsport in Fort Lauderdale, FL for the final stop of the …Lost East Coast Mini-Tour. Pick his brain on surfboard design, dietary advice and international travel. Matt "Mayhem" Biolos will be there taking one-on-one custom orders and they even brought @tunnelvisionsc to play a live set. Every …Lost board sold (stock or custom) gets $100 off + a free pair of …Lost boardshorts just like the "Speed Kills" ones Ward is wearing here. Photo: @lazerwolf_photo @psycho_ward137 @mayhemb3_mattbiolos @arnette #WardStories #ChrisWard #LostEnterprises #LostClothing #TheWolfOfTStreet #TheMostInterestingSurferInTheWorld #LostMiniTour


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