ロストのインスタグラム(lost9193) - 4月25日 01時49分

The 3rd Annual Fishbowl went off yesterday in perfect little waves at Rivy. ...Lost rider Nate Yeomans @bigdeluxe_ puts on the event every year for the San Clemente locals and visiting pros. Everyone puts in 20 bucks for the prize money and the pros are each teamed with a grom. The kid prizes this year included a free custom ...Lost surfboard to the 1st Place Grom. Congrats to the winning team of Chippa Wilson and @kei_kobayashi, who won on his ...Lost board and now gets to add to his growing pile. Other finalists included @koloheandino62 @jeremycarter12 @crosbycola @griffin_cola @tajlindblad @gus_day @lukedavisthegrey @tannergud. #fishbowl #fishbowl2014 #lostsurfboards


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