ジーエルシーオーのインスタグラム(garrettleight) - 9月11日 12時33分

There's no doubt that before Steve Jobs passed, Apple was one of the most innovative, exciting and reliable companies in the world. Jobs had a unique ability to understand what the world needed to make life simpler and better. Jobs was arguably the greatest designer ever. He changed the way the world interacts forever by creating products that we didn't even know we needed, that have made our lives easier. Now that Steve has passed, Apple is not the same. However, there is one thing that you can rely on, or one person at Apple that is, Jonathan Ivey. As far as design aesthetics are concerned, Apple still makes the most beautiful looking product, bar none. And until Google somehow steals him or gets someone as talented, I stand behind the beauty of a Jonathan Ivey design. iPhone 5s = yes for me. #apple #google


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